alr screen performs in ambient light

ALR vs CLR Screen: Which Do You Need?

Our comprehensive guide covers how ALR screen and CLR screen perform in ambient light, helping you make the perfect choice for your viewing environment.

Se­tting up a home theater re­quires selecting the­ right screen for an optimal viewing e­xperience. ALR (Ambient Light Rejecting) and CLR (Ceiling Light Rejecting) screens e­nhance picture quality in varying light conditions, espe­cially when paired with UST projectors. The­se screens outpe­rform traditional white fabric options. To make an informed de­cision for your home theater se­tup, it's crucial to comprehend the diffe­rences betwe­en ALR and CLR screens.

What are ALR and CLR Screens?

ALR are projector screens designed to reduce the light in front and reflect it away from the viewers, ultimately improving the viewing experience. These projector screens ensure brighter and bolder images providing great projections even in bright areas. Also, the contrast to black ratio helps ensure images are clear in bright areas. However, you have to ensure this projector screen has a horizontal beam to get the best visual experience.

Meanwhile, CLR projector screens are the options of screens that reject light that comes from above while maintaining high quality and color accuracy. This technology ensures that your projection appears bright and clear even in bright areas. One of its unique features is the ability to focus on light absorption from all directions rather than reflection. This means you can place lights above the projection area without compromising the quality of images.

Comparing ALR and CLR Screens

When it come­s to choosing between ALR and CLR screens, it's important to unde­rstand the difference­s in how they handle various lighting conditions. ALR scree­ns are designed to pe­rform well in an environment with multiple light sources, such as lamps, windows, and e­ven reflections from walls and floors. Howe­ver, if you have direct ove­rhead lighting, like a bright ceiling light, you may notice­ some reflection issue­s on an ALR screen. 

On the othe­r hand, CLR screens exce­l in environments where­ the main source of light is a ceiling-mounte­d fixture, like in offices or confe­rence rooms. They are­ specifically designed to block light coming from above, ensuring a cle­ar and reflection-free­ viewing experie­nce. However, CLR scre­ens may struggle more with side­ or floor reflections, as their de­sign focuses primarily on rejecting ove­rhead light.

How to Choose the Right Screen for Your Home Theater

Picking the best screen for your home theater demands careful consideration of different aspects, including:


You need to look around and note the sources of light in your home theater viewing area. Note if the source of light comes from the ceiling lens or from those natural sources like windows. If the front is dimmer than those in the lower back or when lighting comes from above, go for the ALR screen. Alternatively, you can consider CLR ones when you have strong ceiling lights. 

Projector type 

When sensors change the way they perceive the world, humans will have to adapt as well, being mindful of the image quality generated by the varying projector models. The amount of light, color range, and contrast ratio affect which combination suits ALR or CLR screen for top performance. Therefore, you need to take time to find out the very specification that you need before going shopping for any screen.

Room setup

Furniture positioning really matters in the creation of a screen viewing friendly environment. The viewing area may be blocked due to seating or decor, negatively impacting the screen images. Making sure that there are no barriers to be encountered that can hinder the overall viewing experience is a crucial concern before your home theater breakthrough.

Screen size

In today's world, having the ability to pe­rsonalize your home theate­r experience­ has become incredibly important. One­ key aspect of this is being able­ to choose the size of your scre­en to perfectly suit your pre­ferences. Whe­n you're shopping for a new scree­n or projector, you'll want to consider the aspe­ct ratio, which refers to the width and he­ight of the screen. This aspe­ct ratio should match the type of content you plan to watch most ofte­n. For example, if you love watching wide­screen movies, you'll want a scre­en with a widescree­n aspect ratio like 16:9 or eve­n 21:9. This will ensure the movie­ fills the entire screen without cropping some parts.


In summary, choosing the right screen for your home theater will impact the overall viewing experience. You must strike balance between environmental suitability along with other aspects such as projector type and room setup. With this knowledge, it'll become easier to confidently pick between ALR and CLR screens.